Lehi Youth Football 1st & 2nd grade team, 2008

Monday, August 11, 2008


Awesome practice.
Our defensive side of the ball is devastating! We had everyone there tonight and it was great. this was our first look at the defense as a whole tonight and it looked great. A little run down of everyones performance as i seen it. Dylan (Dillweed) Bell was back from his illness and he picked up where he left off, dominating with his speed and tenacity, what a stud(second youngest kid on the team). Nice to have you back.
Sage,Flint and Hayden proved to be strong ol bruts in the middle and Hunter can really give offensive tackles fits. Grant is back from vacation and doing well. Merek continues to do well and show leadership skills, he is a coach's dream. Cade with his lightning speed and his loose hips is going to be a force. Gentry, son you are a stud.
One of our first graders, Richard Maddalone continues to hit beyond his size, he dont know he is not 6'0 tall (dont anyone tell him either).
Dillon Foidel, also a 1st grader, is a tough guy that hits bigger than he is as does Chandler wich we found out his first week. Cayden took a big shot tonight and came back with some fire to make some big tackles in tackling drills. Evan our youngest player continues to improve every practice we excited to see his growth.
Colby Luce did a nice job in the line drills going up bigger man and holding his own and in the scrimmage he found out that running the ball wasnt as easy as it looked. And Cam last but not least ran the ball exceptionally well in the drills and made a nice assist on a tackle in the scrimmage.

Keep it up guys, and you parents should be proud!
What great bunch of kids!

Coach Cox

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