Lehi Youth Football 1st & 2nd grade team, 2008

Thursday, August 21, 2008


We did it again!
Are offense is getting better, our defense is dominating! Wasn't it cool to see all our backs score. Great job Merek, Cade, (twice) and Gentry. Can anyone get passed our line? I don't think so. Lets stay focused on football and get ready for Saturdays game. Hey Fish get the snickers. Lisa keep your cool we don't want our team mom to be arrested.

Coach Cox


Marcy said...

I have to admit that the exchange between Lisa and Coach Walker was exciting. I kinda wondered who was gonna to throw the first punch. :)

teresa said...

Nothing like a little friendly competion...or not so friendly. Even the mom's on the other side were getting a little rowdy!

Lisa said...

What can I say? Mess with any of our boys and you'll have to answer to the team mom! :)