Lehi Youth Football 1st & 2nd grade team, 2008

Sunday, August 31, 2008

The AF Game

Ok, I have watched the video of the AF game three times and every time I find some new thing. I have got to get a life.
First off thanks to the parents of the kids, you guys are awesome. The talking on the sidelines is awesome. I remember Cade Berry's mom saying after he chased down the ball carrier 40 yards, from the back side all the way across the field for the second time " If he was only just a little faster" What! That was funny.
Also the team is really coming together, I know this sounds funny after a loss like that but it is true. The first week we had alot of solo tackles, this week we had more gang tackling or team tackles. I also seen Cam (on tape) make a vicious touchdown breaking block) that is so cool. And Chandler Treu and Dillon Foidel hitting the big numbers 6 and 4 with out fear.
I want you all to know that I love these kids they are so funny and they make me happy everytime I am around them.
We will get better, and we will defiantly make our opponents respect us.
We had some key players in this game but we also had a great team effort.
Wasnt seeing Little Richard out there as the center awesome. Funny part is he is the one who honestly feels like that is his position to own. He is great, undersized, but great! And Grant holding on to Colby Luces shoelaces after the snap. goodness.
Anyway Coach Ryan has the stats, he gets them from Coach Foidel everyweek and he will get them posted up on the site for us soon. You will notice that are new names on here every week and that is what it is all about.
We will be making some changes on the team next week. Sage will be our starting punter and we wil be featuring 3 backs full time.
And, AND! Tony gets to rejoin us.
I am hoping to get a pass off next week, this is my new goal. Also we will be working on blocking and maintaining our blocks longer.
Good Job kids and thanks to our team mom and the treat bringers. At one time we were looking for players during the game and they were over at the buffet having snacks. Again that is funny.
See you Tuesday and hurry back Evan!

Lehi VS American Fork

Look Coach Maddalone...just like you said "Put 'em on their butts!"

Square up and look them in the eyes...even if he is twice your size BERRY!

STOKES finding a hole with room to run thanks to a great block by JONES!Way to seal off your man GALLAGHER!

Looks like it took the whole AF team to take out BELL!

What's with the smallest guy on the team volunteering to be center...nice MADDALONE!

COX with another touchdown run!

Way to go LEHI!

Moms...post more pics if you have them!

Monday, August 25, 2008


Go Lehi

Great Job Guys You All did GREAT....

I Just want to say THANK YOU to our coaches, Today I was kind of bummed that we lost, It wasnt until my 6 year old son said "IT"S OK MOMMY, I HAD FUN, WE"LL WIN THE NEXT ONE" I think that what makes our boys want to push harder and succeed is our coaches. I also think that what makes our boys not really care about winning but care more about playing the game is our coaches too. There are not too many people out there who can teach kids, and have them leave at the end of the day Eager to learn more. The First impression on a child is very important, This is Richards First impression of football,He"s played catch with his dad but never really learned the sport, and he leaves practice every day Eager to go back and learn more and this is because of our coaches. Our coaches dont yell at these kids and put them down, I have been to every practice and heard them throw out positive comments and a pat on the back to these boys when I am sure there have been times they have all wanted to pull the hair out of their heads. Yet they keep comming back to work with them.. You Coaches are EXCELLENT roll models for our kids and what you are teaching them now they will never forget and will carry with them for the rest of their lives. I personally wouldnt want my son to have learned how to play football from any one else... THANK YOU..........GO LEHI.....

Sunday, August 24, 2008


Well I have had a day to reflect and after watching the video three times I have come up with my Revelation.

My Revelation is this.

Or team rocks! I know this is a weird Revelation, but wait. Think about the kids and the fact that they never quit, never gave up as well as where still having fun at the end.
The only place they failed is where the coaches failed them. We never coached them to face a bear crawl, we never coached them to face a team with 8 in the box.
We....wait, I got out coached. I will try harder to not let this happen again.
My kids parents are high class and I appreciate everyone of you. (Example of No class, Lindon' assistant coach) Tony thanks from me, thanks for protecting the kids, I would like to think that everyone of our coaches and parents would have done the same thing had they been put in that situation.
The boys executed our offense and defense just like they have been coached and we lost, O'well. to me that is not a lose. A lose is not seeing any football being to taught. ie: the bear crawl.
or 8 in the box. This isnt football that can be carried on past 9 or ten yrs old and it will be tossed in a couple of seasons.
We will get our wins and when we do, whether it is this year or next or the next, it will be done with football plays.

Go Lehi

Coach Cox

Friday, August 22, 2008

The calm before the storm...

I can't wait to see Coach Cox with PINK hair and Coach Maddalone BALD!

Good Luck players and coaches.


Thursday, August 21, 2008


We did it again!
Are offense is getting better, our defense is dominating! Wasn't it cool to see all our backs score. Great job Merek, Cade, (twice) and Gentry. Can anyone get passed our line? I don't think so. Lets stay focused on football and get ready for Saturdays game. Hey Fish get the snickers. Lisa keep your cool we don't want our team mom to be arrested.

Coach Cox

We Have The Best Coach(es)!

After last night's scrimmage, I realize just how lucky we are to have Coach Cox and his assistants! This is our first year of sports so I haven't had the opportunity to see other coaches in action. I guess I assumed all coaches were pretty much the same. Boy was I wrong! I'm so grateful that Coach Cox and Maddalone are able and willing to put in so much time and effort to work with our kids - even when they don't want to be worked with! I especially know how challenging Cayden can be, and the coaches still haven't kicked him off the team! Not only that, they're so patient with him that Cayden LOVES football, despite his lack of experience and ability. Thanks Coach Cox and Maddalone!!!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


I wanted to apologize to the team,coaches and the parents for my attitude at tonight's practice. I occasionally get in a sour mood and tonight I may let it show to the kids.
I am sorry, I am human and I will try to come to practice with a better attitude next time and I will let the kids know I was wrong for loosing my patients and I am sorry for being short with them. I really do care about everyone of them.
See you guys tomorrow and I hope we can put tonight's practice behind us.
Also after taking a pole of parents the majority said they would like to pass on a professional company taking video footage of the kids games. We will be videoing it ourselves and will have copy's available if interested.

Coach Cox.

Sunday, August 17, 2008


Nice job, boys! You were great yesterday! Keep up the great work!

Here are some other pictures as well to go along with coach Freeman's. Unfortunately I can't remember each play like Coach Cox.
Remember, there is no practice on Monday. See on you Tuesday!

This is Gentry's first touchdown run.

This is Gentry's second touchdown run.

Thank you goes out to the coaches and all the time they have given to our boys. You truly bring out the best in our boys! Thank you!

Team Mom

8/16/08 The Jamboree

How cool was that? I told myself before the scrimmage with
Coach Walkers Lehi 1&2 grade team that I was going to try and remember every detail, well guess what? I don't remember squat! Sorry if I missed something. I was so nervous before and during that it all seem to happen so quickly I couldn't keep up.
First off I would like to thank the other coaches, Coach Freeman, Coach Tony, Coach Foidel, as well as Coach White (nice to have you back). We defiantly missed Coach James alot but really appreciate Coach Thomas for stepping up to help out in his brothers place.
Also thanks to the parents for showing great support. (I can still hear Christina Gallagher cheering) and Michelle Foidel for the fruit, that was a real nice treat for the boys, thank you. And last but not least our team mom, thanks Lisa your great.
Ok, here is what sticks out in my brain as I try to reflect. We took the field as the announcer called each kids name out individually. Let me tell you they looked great in their new uniforms.
We lined up on the 50 yd. line to run our offense first, the first play as I remember was about a 4 yd gain around the left side run by Cade Berry #7. He had real good field vision and on a last ditch effort tried to get more yardage by cutting it inside. Nice run Cade.
Also on that play I remember Merek and Hunter making real good blocks to seal the end.
The second play was, well...... I DON'T REMEMBER!
The third was a called 38 sweep but there was a fumble on the QB/TB exchange, we lost yardage on this play (this stuff happens sometimes, o'well.)
On the fourth play we found the end zone! It was a play action bootleg to the left side . Gentry rumbled about 50 yds for the score. Merek sold the fake remarkably as well as our over powering offensive line creating the allusion allowing Gentry to get around the end to get the score.
We then took the field on Defense, I remember the first three plays where short and or no gain plays with Cam (Stud) making the first three tackles. Gentry had one solo and Cade had two touchdown saving tackles as well as Cayden White sacrificing his body (man, he's going to be sore). Our D-Line was in the backfield all day giving them trouble. Hayden had a killer day with four backfield tackles and a tackle on a sweep to the left side. Can you imagine being run down by our nose tackle from behind? That back had to of heard him breathing down his neck before impact.
At one point Hunter and 3 other boys had a gang tackle that stood up their back and I remember thinking to myself, "He should think about going down pretty quick". Well, it was too late Gentry and Cam laid some lumber right in his back,
WHACK! "Holy crap" I said to myself, "That's going to leave a mark.". That is every defensive mans dream.
A couple plays later we stopped them and their drive and our offense took to the field again. we ran a dive play to Merek on the right side with minimal success , Coach Walkers team was defiantly tough on the inside.
On the very next play we pulled out our secret weapon, well kinda. The play was a TE pass. The line held and gave Gentry good time, Gentry rolled right, Merek picked up the DE,and Chandler had picked up the DB. Hunter found himself all alone about 5 yards deep, Gentry let it go and what looked like a touch down to everyone including me, bounced off Hunters pads. Dang it! I thought Coach freeman was going to jump out of his shoes. No problem now we know it will work. The third play......well, I DONT REMEMBER AGAIN!
Next we attempted a pass play that was designed to go to Merek on the right side, this play resulted in a sack by their left Gaurd. He came in untouched and pummeled our Quarterback, this may have been the only mistake our line may have made all day. They where awesome.
The next play was executed perfectly, 21 dive fake bootleg 18. The key to the play that got it all going was Chandler Treu picking up the first man and totally sealing the end off. Gentry was able to get around the corner and shake off a defender and hustled 52 yards to pay dirt, that was nice block by Chandler as well as a nice series to learn from.
As Walkers team took the offensive side of the ball for the last time, we did a pretty good job holding our own on defense even though the boys where tired.
We gave up two big gains
in this series, one to the left and one to the right, Cade had to use his speed again to drag em' down. these two plays took them down to the 2 yard, on the last play Coach Maddalone had a mean blitz going, he sent the whole middle including our saftey. Our boys crashed the line getting great penetration but unfortunately they got the ball to their back, our corners bit and they where able to get in for the touchdown mostly untouched.
It was an awesome game, the kids did great, scoring twice on 9 plays and holding Walkers team to one score in 17 plays.
I hope the other coaches will get in here and give their accounts as well.

Go pioneers!

Coach Cox

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


nice job guys,

Today was offense day, although our first two plays were fumbles ( our first two fumbles) we seemed to pull it together and worked as a team. Our offensive line is learning their holes and are doing their best to open running lanes. Coach Maddalone continues to work with the backs on hole recognition. I would like our parents to work with the kids beyond practice, no matter what their position, to learn the holes. if you need a diagram of the holes let the coaches know. The tackling drills may seem to be long winded to a lot of parents, but trust me as a coach it is very important, and until we get the results we want we will continue with the drills. If any of you parents ever have a question regarding your kids do not hesitate to apporach the coaches after practice. Practice becomes more serious as we get closer to our schedule. Tonight we rewarded the big hit of the week for last week. The big hitters were Richard and Genrty who delivered hits on each other last monday. Please encourge your kids to hit hard safely and do their best. It looks like its going to be a great season. Remember practice starts at 6:00, try to be on time, it teaches dicipline. the coaching staff and I really enjoy every kid and appriciate the opertunity to work with them.
Go Pioneers!!!
Coach Cox

Monday, August 11, 2008


Awesome practice.
Our defensive side of the ball is devastating! We had everyone there tonight and it was great. this was our first look at the defense as a whole tonight and it looked great. A little run down of everyones performance as i seen it. Dylan (Dillweed) Bell was back from his illness and he picked up where he left off, dominating with his speed and tenacity, what a stud(second youngest kid on the team). Nice to have you back.
Sage,Flint and Hayden proved to be strong ol bruts in the middle and Hunter can really give offensive tackles fits. Grant is back from vacation and doing well. Merek continues to do well and show leadership skills, he is a coach's dream. Cade with his lightning speed and his loose hips is going to be a force. Gentry, son you are a stud.
One of our first graders, Richard Maddalone continues to hit beyond his size, he dont know he is not 6'0 tall (dont anyone tell him either).
Dillon Foidel, also a 1st grader, is a tough guy that hits bigger than he is as does Chandler wich we found out his first week. Cayden took a big shot tonight and came back with some fire to make some big tackles in tackling drills. Evan our youngest player continues to improve every practice we excited to see his growth.
Colby Luce did a nice job in the line drills going up bigger man and holding his own and in the scrimmage he found out that running the ball wasnt as easy as it looked. And Cam last but not least ran the ball exceptionally well in the drills and made a nice assist on a tackle in the scrimmage.

Keep it up guys, and you parents should be proud!
What great bunch of kids!

Coach Cox

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Aug 10 2008

We are going to be working on some defense tomorrow. Coach Maddalone will be working with the LB's and the DB's. Me and Coach Foidel will be working with the Line. Coach Freeman as always will be pulling the kids who are struggling aside and giving them one on one help. We have 5 more practices before our first scrimmage against Coach Walkers 1st & 2nd grade team, we need everyone at all the practices.
Go Pioneers!

Coach Cox

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Thanks for your support

Thanks to Ashley Agrelius for her donation of 20.00 to the team fund. This will help with some costs.
Coach Cox-

Friday, August 8, 2008

Words from the coach

Today we had good news and not so good news. The good news is that we got the uniforms with the kids names on the back. They look awesome! Thanks Lisa. Bad news is we only had 12 players at practice this makes it hard to work on our pre planed practices that our coaches work so hard on. Please try to make every practice.
Also Teagen found out from his doctor that he cant play football this year. We will miss him and wish him a speedy recovery. see you on the team next year, as far as were concerned you are still a member of the team.
Tonight we missed Merek, Dylan, Colbey and Sage. Hurry back we need you.
Evan had a great tackle tonight that got the coaches very excited, along with Hunters great catches we all went home with positive attitudes.
Thanks to the Freemans for this outstanding web site!! It is much better than my feeble attempt.Lisa handed out parent papers to all players regarding weigh in, physicals and release forms. also a price sheet for the team pictures on the 22nd. If you did not get one please contact Lisa.

Coach Cox-

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Thanks to our dedicated coaches

We have the best coaches! We are so excited they love football and are passing on that passion to the kids.