Lehi Youth Football 1st & 2nd grade team, 2008

Sunday, August 24, 2008


Well I have had a day to reflect and after watching the video three times I have come up with my Revelation.

My Revelation is this.

Or team rocks! I know this is a weird Revelation, but wait. Think about the kids and the fact that they never quit, never gave up as well as where still having fun at the end.
The only place they failed is where the coaches failed them. We never coached them to face a bear crawl, we never coached them to face a team with 8 in the box.
We....wait, I got out coached. I will try harder to not let this happen again.
My kids parents are high class and I appreciate everyone of you. (Example of No class, Lindon' assistant coach) Tony thanks from me, thanks for protecting the kids, I would like to think that everyone of our coaches and parents would have done the same thing had they been put in that situation.
The boys executed our offense and defense just like they have been coached and we lost, O'well. to me that is not a lose. A lose is not seeing any football being to taught. ie: the bear crawl.
or 8 in the box. This isnt football that can be carried on past 9 or ten yrs old and it will be tossed in a couple of seasons.
We will get our wins and when we do, whether it is this year or next or the next, it will be done with football plays.

Go Lehi

Coach Cox


teresa said...

I am honestly quite surprised to see the intensity of the competition at this age. I truly believe our coaches are doing right by our kids in teaching them the fundamentals of football, win or lose.
I think our coaches are good men that love football and enjoy teaching the kids. I am GLAD our coaches are passionate as well as protective.

Marcy said...

Well coach our boys are great. And as coaches we are teaching our boys the right way to play ball. What the coaches on Lindon are doing is teaching there boys how to make them look good. They didn't care about their boys. There are ways to beat that kind of playing and we will just have to teach that. I myself didn't think we would have to teach our boys this early but we can do it. I really like what we are doing and that is thinking about our boys instead of ourselves.

Lisa said...

Having played under a coach last year similar to the other coach yesterday and seeing the results of what was going on on the sidelines and the field, it was wonderful to see what kind of coaches we really have. We learned last year that what happens at practice can be completely different when it comes to an actual game. We couldn't ask for better coaches! You guys are the best! They truly care about our boys for the boys not for any recognition or for themselves. Win or lose our boys are having a lot of fun. As a parent it's nice to see coaches that are more interested in helping the boys learn and have fun rather than focusing on winning. Winning is nice, but having my son feel important, included, not worried about being made fun of or yelled at because he doesn't do well, and excited about going to practice and the games is much more important. THANK YOU COACHES!! YOU ARE THE BEST!!

Marcy said...

A quote from Cayden: "We won, huh Mom!" Before I could answer he added, "We just didn't get as many points." I thought that was great!