Lehi Youth Football 1st & 2nd grade team, 2008

Sunday, August 17, 2008

8/16/08 The Jamboree

How cool was that? I told myself before the scrimmage with
Coach Walkers Lehi 1&2 grade team that I was going to try and remember every detail, well guess what? I don't remember squat! Sorry if I missed something. I was so nervous before and during that it all seem to happen so quickly I couldn't keep up.
First off I would like to thank the other coaches, Coach Freeman, Coach Tony, Coach Foidel, as well as Coach White (nice to have you back). We defiantly missed Coach James alot but really appreciate Coach Thomas for stepping up to help out in his brothers place.
Also thanks to the parents for showing great support. (I can still hear Christina Gallagher cheering) and Michelle Foidel for the fruit, that was a real nice treat for the boys, thank you. And last but not least our team mom, thanks Lisa your great.
Ok, here is what sticks out in my brain as I try to reflect. We took the field as the announcer called each kids name out individually. Let me tell you they looked great in their new uniforms.
We lined up on the 50 yd. line to run our offense first, the first play as I remember was about a 4 yd gain around the left side run by Cade Berry #7. He had real good field vision and on a last ditch effort tried to get more yardage by cutting it inside. Nice run Cade.
Also on that play I remember Merek and Hunter making real good blocks to seal the end.
The second play was, well...... I DON'T REMEMBER!
The third was a called 38 sweep but there was a fumble on the QB/TB exchange, we lost yardage on this play (this stuff happens sometimes, o'well.)
On the fourth play we found the end zone! It was a play action bootleg to the left side . Gentry rumbled about 50 yds for the score. Merek sold the fake remarkably as well as our over powering offensive line creating the allusion allowing Gentry to get around the end to get the score.
We then took the field on Defense, I remember the first three plays where short and or no gain plays with Cam (Stud) making the first three tackles. Gentry had one solo and Cade had two touchdown saving tackles as well as Cayden White sacrificing his body (man, he's going to be sore). Our D-Line was in the backfield all day giving them trouble. Hayden had a killer day with four backfield tackles and a tackle on a sweep to the left side. Can you imagine being run down by our nose tackle from behind? That back had to of heard him breathing down his neck before impact.
At one point Hunter and 3 other boys had a gang tackle that stood up their back and I remember thinking to myself, "He should think about going down pretty quick". Well, it was too late Gentry and Cam laid some lumber right in his back,
WHACK! "Holy crap" I said to myself, "That's going to leave a mark.". That is every defensive mans dream.
A couple plays later we stopped them and their drive and our offense took to the field again. we ran a dive play to Merek on the right side with minimal success , Coach Walkers team was defiantly tough on the inside.
On the very next play we pulled out our secret weapon, well kinda. The play was a TE pass. The line held and gave Gentry good time, Gentry rolled right, Merek picked up the DE,and Chandler had picked up the DB. Hunter found himself all alone about 5 yards deep, Gentry let it go and what looked like a touch down to everyone including me, bounced off Hunters pads. Dang it! I thought Coach freeman was going to jump out of his shoes. No problem now we know it will work. The third play......well, I DONT REMEMBER AGAIN!
Next we attempted a pass play that was designed to go to Merek on the right side, this play resulted in a sack by their left Gaurd. He came in untouched and pummeled our Quarterback, this may have been the only mistake our line may have made all day. They where awesome.
The next play was executed perfectly, 21 dive fake bootleg 18. The key to the play that got it all going was Chandler Treu picking up the first man and totally sealing the end off. Gentry was able to get around the corner and shake off a defender and hustled 52 yards to pay dirt, that was nice block by Chandler as well as a nice series to learn from.
As Walkers team took the offensive side of the ball for the last time, we did a pretty good job holding our own on defense even though the boys where tired.
We gave up two big gains
in this series, one to the left and one to the right, Cade had to use his speed again to drag em' down. these two plays took them down to the 2 yard, on the last play Coach Maddalone had a mean blitz going, he sent the whole middle including our saftey. Our boys crashed the line getting great penetration but unfortunately they got the ball to their back, our corners bit and they where able to get in for the touchdown mostly untouched.
It was an awesome game, the kids did great, scoring twice on 9 plays and holding Walkers team to one score in 17 plays.
I hope the other coaches will get in here and give their accounts as well.

Go pioneers!

Coach Cox

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