Lehi Youth Football 1st & 2nd grade team, 2008

Thursday, August 21, 2008

We Have The Best Coach(es)!

After last night's scrimmage, I realize just how lucky we are to have Coach Cox and his assistants! This is our first year of sports so I haven't had the opportunity to see other coaches in action. I guess I assumed all coaches were pretty much the same. Boy was I wrong! I'm so grateful that Coach Cox and Maddalone are able and willing to put in so much time and effort to work with our kids - even when they don't want to be worked with! I especially know how challenging Cayden can be, and the coaches still haven't kicked him off the team! Not only that, they're so patient with him that Cayden LOVES football, despite his lack of experience and ability. Thanks Coach Cox and Maddalone!!!


Tony Maddalone said...

I apreciate the nice comments that you have made about myself and the other coaches.. It is really a pleasure to be coaching these kids! I was fortunate to have the game of football growing up..it helped me stay out of trouble..mostly. Sports can help many kids in ways that other activities can't in teaching them to believe in themselves and gain confidence that will be with them the rest of their lives. I apreciate all of your support and am looking forward to a fun and memorable season!

Lisa said...

I total agree with Marcy. Last year was rough on Hunter with the coaches he had. I forgot how some coaches can get until the scrimmage. Hunter didn't want to play football about halfway through the season. This year he's up the stairs and dressed before I can finish the sentence "time for football practice." Thank you guys for being so patient with them. It makes all the difference in the world!