Lehi Youth Football 1st & 2nd grade team, 2008

Monday, August 25, 2008

Go Lehi

Great Job Guys You All did GREAT....

I Just want to say THANK YOU to our coaches, Today I was kind of bummed that we lost, It wasnt until my 6 year old son said "IT"S OK MOMMY, I HAD FUN, WE"LL WIN THE NEXT ONE" I think that what makes our boys want to push harder and succeed is our coaches. I also think that what makes our boys not really care about winning but care more about playing the game is our coaches too. There are not too many people out there who can teach kids, and have them leave at the end of the day Eager to learn more. The First impression on a child is very important, This is Richards First impression of football,He"s played catch with his dad but never really learned the sport, and he leaves practice every day Eager to go back and learn more and this is because of our coaches. Our coaches dont yell at these kids and put them down, I have been to every practice and heard them throw out positive comments and a pat on the back to these boys when I am sure there have been times they have all wanted to pull the hair out of their heads. Yet they keep comming back to work with them.. You Coaches are EXCELLENT roll models for our kids and what you are teaching them now they will never forget and will carry with them for the rest of their lives. I personally wouldnt want my son to have learned how to play football from any one else... THANK YOU..........GO LEHI.....

1 comment:

Tony Maddalone said...

Thank you guys!
We are definitley going to continue to have a fun year! We all apreciate the support that the parents are bringing to all the practices and games..All the parents that show up at practice to support the kids everyday deserve a big pat on the back! Thank you for all you do!